
The Weekly Wardrobe Edit is a little different this week as France has just entered into a second nationwide lockdown. As of last Friday we will be in confinement until the 1st of December. It also means the return of the attestation, a document that we have to sign to state where we’re going that only allows us to leave our homes for up to one hour and to go no further than a one kilometre radius. Translation: comfy outfits and loungewear will become the norm again, le sigh… While I do feel sad that I won’t see friends again for a while, I’m trying to find the silver linings: less play means I can focus on a few important projects that I’ve been putting off, I will also have more time for self-care and I’ll be able to catch up on books I’ve been meaning to read. I ashamed to say I haven’t picked up a book since the last lockdown six months ago!

With this in mind, the items for this week’s selection are in the cosier category - knits and joggers that are perfect for lounging around the house or working from home in comfort, there is also activewear to help keep you moving and a few pieces erring on the side of practical, such as everyday, all weather boots to get you outside or exploring the countryside if you have access to it! As always there are options for every budget with choices from an array of my favourite brands and sites. Enjoy!




Tops & Bodies


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