Simple things making me happy

Many of us are now in week three of isolation and confinement. How are you? Riding that roller coaster of emotions? Are you keeping it together, enjoying the solitude (thriving in it perhaps?) or are you going a little nutty right now and worried about the future? I’ve had a couple of days where I felt really glum, I sat at the dining table one morning last week in my pjs, with my mum and had a good cry. I did feel better afterwards and besides another day of feeling a bit down, I’ve been carrying on with as best I can creating as much content as I can with limited means and trying to use my days in the best way possible by exercising, writing, baking, reading, chatting with mum and laughing with friends.

If anything has come out of what we are currently experiencing is that we are having to take stock of our lives, re-evaluating what’s important, realising just how key connection and touch is and trying to find the joy in the simple things.

So here are a few small pleasures that are getting me through this weird time:


I haven’t had an oven for 2 years. When I moved into my new place I needed to buy one, but never actually got around to getting one. Mainly because I was now living on my own after finishing a 6.5 year relationship and just didn’t cook as much as a I used to when I was in a couple.

Now that I’m holed up at my mum’s I’m searching for all the things that I want to cook and bake. Last Sunday I baked scones for the first time and I will probably bake a cake this weekend. Are you baking more? And if so, what?

Decorating my new home (from afar)

I moved in on the 3rd of March and I have lived in my new home for all of one week. Six of those days I had no hot water. It’s frustrating knowing I have a new place sat back in Paris, while I live at my mum’s, but it was my choice to come here and it hasn’t stopped me redecorating my home – in my mind and online that is. I recently created a new interiors account on Instagram before I moved as I was collecting so many images for inspiration. It’s a space where I’m compiling favourite interior spaces, architecture and products.

Here are a few of my favourite interior resources: Pinterest - here’s my account so you can see my inspiration, Architectural Digest, Domino, Elle Decoration, Dwell, Doré The Socialite Family. I’m going to do a dedicated article on my interior inspiration, but in the mean time here are a few of my favourite interior brands & places to buy: Made, Habitat, Bolia, &Tradition, Menu, Bo Concept, Louise Roe, La Trésorerie, Hay, CB2.

Standing in the Sunshine

I often do this in winter too. I love the sun, summer and heat and suffer from SAD, so I try to get some sun at every opportunity. If the sun’s out on a particularly cold day I go and stand on a sheltered street corner for a good ten minutes, with my eyes clothes soaking in the rays. As I’m spending so much more time indoors, I’ve been making sure I get out into the garden and sit in the sun for ten minutes each day if it’s there!

Exercising in the garden (or in the living room when it’s too cold)

I’m managing to exercise every other day at the moment - gotta balance out the increase in eating that I’m doing! I do a mixture of HIT and yoga (there are a few resources in a previous article I’ve written) and that’s helping me keep my mind balanced. I’ve recently been trying out PE with Joe Wicks which is a fun 30 minute workout, which is more suited to kids, but I’m enjoying it.

Singing whilst cooking

This is something I’ve always enjoyed – singing whilst cooking. But last Friday, on a day that I was feeling particularly low I put some singing music on and sang at the top of my lungs while mum and I cooked. Favourite artists to sing along to: Adele (obviously), Bryan Adams, (oh yes), Sam Smith (can’t forget him) and Jorja Smith (a new addition to my sing along playlist.)

Getting dressed

And by getting dressed, I mean not wearing leggings or pjs (although proud to say I haven’t stayed in my pjs one day yet, but there’s still time!) Ok so I’ve been wearing leggings most days, but when I do put a pair of jeans on, wash my hair and do my make-up, I honestly feel transformed. I probably won’t be doing this every day, but at least every few days just to feel like me again.

Humour & Memes

Humour is one of the biggest things getting me through confinement. I could probably write a book with the amount of memes that have been passing between me, my mum and friends. A couple of my favourite accounts on Instagram are: My Therapist Says and Betches.

Video Chats with Friends

Or just any kind of chats. I’m so thankful that we live in a world where we can stay connected with loved ones however far away they are! This morning I chatted with my dear friend Rachelle who lives in Sydney.

What are the small pleasures keeping you sane and happy?