Notes from the Weekend

I finally kicked my chest infection after taking a round of antibiotics, so was a happy to get out and about again in Paris and looking at what I got up to below, I think I made the most of it!

+ Friday eve I dined at

Le Potager du Marais

(a good choice for any vegetarians/vegans visiting Paris!)  It was one of the best vegetarian meals I've had.

+ Saturday I guzzled pancakes at the

Rose Bakery

, wandered around le Marais buying candles at Muji, an umbrella at Uniqlo and a glass mug at Merci

+ Saturday eve we dined with friends at


in the 10th. A lovely little (and reasonably-priced) bistro serving small plates. 3/4 is enough sharing between two. Followed by drinks at

Le Rosie

in the 18th.

+ Sunday we roamed around the market at Bastille on rue Richard Lenoir - open until 3pm, shopping for fruit, veg and the bunch of tulips featured on the mantlepiece.

+ Sunday afternoon I met friends for afternoon tea at the newly refurbished

Pavillion des Canaux