Spring Blossom

Apologies for my radio silence recently, but the last couple of weeks have been chaotic to say the least. Firstly I've been spending all my time flat hunting and am pleased to announce that I have finally found somewhere to live. I am now the proud renter of a studio in the Marais, yep - centre of Paris - you don't get much better than that. It's only until the end of September, but it means I can finally breathe and stop relying on all my lovely friends to house me! I will be forever grateful for their kindness and quite frankly couldn't have done it without them. 

I moved in at the end of last week and am now back in Canterbury, UK (where I grew up) for Easter and to say goodbye to my little cat, Lily, who passed away last Tuesday... She lived a long and happy life, but sadly age got the better of her, so mum and the vet thought it best to put her down. I knew her for 15 years and grew up with her. She watched me grow from a teenager into the person I am today. I'm an only child so her company meant so much more to me. I loved coming home from university, London and now Paris to see her, where she would always be waiting for cuddles. I can sense a huge void in the house where she once was and have spent the last couple of days thinking I could see her curled up in a corner, or hear her everyday sounds and movements. Some may think it strange how attached you can become to a little animal, but they really do become part of your life and family. 

Although I'm jumping on the bandwagon a little here, with photos of blossoms (check out Carin’s post, her photos are spectacular and also Linda’s beautiful styling), I thought they would be the perfect images to mark Lily’s passing. I couldn't think of a better way of celebrating her life, than the signs of new life that spring brings in the form of beautiful pink and white flowers. 

Hope you’re all having happy Easters and stuffing your faces full of chocolate. I am.