I’m writing this from my mum’s study (formerly my bedroom) in Canterbury - the south east England town I grew up in. I left Paris on the day the city went into lockdown as we were given the choice where we wanted to quarantine. And after a tough six months, I decided I’d be better off staying with my mum, so I wouldn’t be on my own for weeks on end and would at least have access to a garden! Which has indeed been a life saver. But sadly, I did leave behind a half finished apartment - I lived there for all of a week before getting on the Eurostar to England - and many of my friends who I’m missing terribly. Thank goodness for WhatsApp, Facetime and House Party. 

On Monday the French President, Macron announced that France would be in lockdown for another month - until the 11th of May (here’s hoping it won’t be extended further), so I decided to ask a few friends who stayed behind to self-isolate in Paris, the three things that are getting them through confinement and the first thing they want to do when the lockdown is over. The words above are a verse from the war time song, ‘We’ll Meet Again’ sung by British singer Vera Lynn, which was incredibly popular at the time. It’s also the one Queen Elizabeth II cited during her speech to the UK over a week ago and I thought they were the perfect words to reference in this article.

JOANN PAI @sliceofpai

Joann Pai is a food and travel photographer based in Paris. She is normally away, travelling all over the world, creating lifestyle content for brands and magazines, and I’m sure this is the longest time she’s spent in one place for a while! Her blog, Slice of Pai, documents her work and her personal travels and thoughts. I can’t recall exactly how we met, but we’ve been on a few work trips together and bonded through a shared love of good food and Paris.

Three things helping Joann through this:

Since most of my work involved travel, my projects were immediately postponed/cancelled when they announced the confinement. As difficult as this was, I also know that unlike many others in the same situation, I now have the luxury of time.

1. Cooking: I love to cook so I’ve been taking this time to learn recipes that take more than 30 minutes! and have been tackling ones that I crave but cannot find in my neighbourhood. There have been a lot of chefs/ home cooks sharing recipes on their social media as well, such as @taksekin cooking with his son Marlow, who’s the cutest! And Lina Caschetto - that pasta with peas, asparagus, and ail des ours has my name on it!

2. Self-care / exercise: I’ve gotta balance out all that pasta eating somehow! Thankfully, there are a lot of great online resources for that. I’ve been enjoying doing daily yoga, cardio workouts, and have started taking the stairs instead of the elevator.

3. Learning: another activity I’ve always put aside is learning. I’ve started investing more time in learning French via online courses, and watching photoshop tutorials on Youtube. This is a good one: Phlearn.

The first thing she’d love to do:

Is to sit out on the grass at parc Buttes-Chaumont, and eat some sushi under the sun.

Follow Joann on Instagram & Twitter.

ANNE DITMEYER @pretavoyager

Anne Ditmeyer is an American designer, writer, traveller, consultant and coach who has been living in Paris for over ten years. Her blog, Prêt à Voyager, explores the intersection of travel and design while chronicling her global adventures. I’ve known Anne for years - going on 6 or 7? She’s one of the first expats I met when I moved to Paris and who now proudly holds a French passport. We recently became neighbours when I moved to the 18th the beginning of March.

Three things getting Anne through this period:

1. "Going to the gym": my gym (CMG Sports Club) has been offering classes on Facebook Live. It's been a treat to be able to take classes with my favourite teachers. You can watch them on replay too.

2. I've been learning to draw through Wendy MacNaughton's #DrawTogether on Instagram Live. It's really aimed at kids but it sparks so much joy for me so I draw M-F. Similarly, I enjoy tuning into Oliver Jeffers' "Stay at Home Storytime" on Instagram Live (@oliverjeffers). After he reads the book he talks through his creative process. It's a joy to watch.

3. On a professional level, being in quarantine has forced me to do things before I'm ready. I was supposed to host my first Paris workshop in early April. I decided to do it online instead. And now I'm offering more workshops! It's been really nice to have a new endeavour to serve as a distraction. 

And the first thing she’ll do when lockdown is over:

I want to have a picnic with friends in a park. I can't see any trees from my Paris apartment, so I would love to be in nature. Also, being in solo quarantine, I miss my friends and people!

Follow Anne on Instagram and Twitter


Ellie is the sassy style influencer behind @slipintostyle breaking what we might call - all the Parisian dress codes - with her kaleidoscopic and fashionable ensembles. No one wears colour in Paris quite like she does and she’s been keeping me and her followers entertained (and envious) on Instagram during lockdown with her eclectic array of ‘Work from Home’ outfits. I met Ellie at Paris fashion week a few seasons ago and she’s now one of my favourite people to stop and say hello to and have a natter with in between shows. 

The three things getting Ellie through:

  1. Cooking: I’ve been cooking comfort food from the Caribbean and other islands, like rougail saucisse which is a sausage dish, Caribbean hot chocolate, challah and codfish crab cakes

    2. WhatsApp video calls with friends and family

    3. Tiger King or Netflix

The first thing she’s going to do:

Is get a full body wax at the beauty salon! 

Follow Ellie on Instagram.

VANESSA COCCHIARO @vanessacocchiaroparis

Vanessa Cocchiaro is the founder and creative director of her eponymous brand, bringing chic bridesmaid styles and elegant ensembles that can be worn to dinners, events and parties to women everywhere.  She grew up in Adelaide and worked as a stylist for 12 years at a host of top magazines, but now calls Paris home. A friend introduced us - one because they knew I’d love her brand, and two - she has one of the most enviable apartments in Paris, which I photographed for my Home Tour section last year. You can see it here.

Three things keeping Vanessa sane through this:

  1. My morning routine: wake up, I have lemon and water followed by a turmeric café latte. I put any kind of milk depending on what I have: Rice/Almond or Oat milk, dash of turmeric, dash of powdered ginger, dash of cinnamon, two drops of vanilla essence, one teaspoon of honey and then coffee. I also love cooking and get most of my recipes from the New York Times cooking app

2. Exercise: Since I cannot go to the gym I am doing youtube workouts: Yoga with Adrienne, Madfit and Blogilates, followed by meditation, I use Headspace, Jay Shetty is also doing daily live stream meditations and I’m enjoying Dr Amen’s daily instagram tips. 

4. Listening to podcasts & music: Women of impact, Making Sense by Sam Harris, The Guilty Feminist, Philosophize This and a lot of musicians are doing Instagram live sets 

The first thing she wants to do when lockdown is over:

Is over is go to Parc des Buttes-Chaumont.

Follow Vanessa on Instagram

SUTANYA DACRES @dinnerfor.one

Sutanya Dacres is a Jamaican-born former New Yorker, who has made Paris her home for the past seven years. She’s the host of Dinner for One, a podcast exploring the reality of expat life - the highs and the lows and the truths not usually spoken about. Food for Dacres represents the ultimate self-care and her simple dinners for one are a way of nourishing the soul and the body at once. I met Su (as we call her) at a mutual friend’s wedding last September and we’ve been buds ever since. I’ve also been enjoying her Instagram Live cooking sessions every Friday - you can tune in tonight at 7pm Paris time.

Three things getting Su through self-isolation:

1. Virtual apéros: Being able to "see" my friends during this time has been my lifesaver. Group chats are great, but actually being able to see familiar faces and hear their voices is especially important. I live alone so the solitude during this time can be torture, but knowing that at least 4 times a week I will be able to "see" my friends has been my saving grace. 

2. Cooking:  Homemade meals have been a great source of comfort over the past few years, but over the past few weeks they have become my raison d'etre. Going into my kitchen to make one of my three meals per day is a needed distraction from what is currently going on in the world. It centers me and makes me feel like everything is going to be okay. If I can continue to find the energy to make delicious, healthy and nutritious meals I feel like I'm caring enough about myself that I can make it through another day.  

3. My apartment: It's a comforting and cozy place that is my cocoon. We've been through a lot over the years, but it has always welcomed me back and remains home. It's not lost on me that having a comfortable and spacious space during this time is a privilege, that's why I am taking extra good care of it now by attending to long-overdue repairs, polishing and dusting when and where necessary. 

The three things (yes she gave me 3) she is going to do after: 

1. Terrasse: Sitting en terrasse at a café with a glass of wine, observing the world as it passes by is the thing I miss the most and will be the first thing that I do the moment I am able to. Terrasse culture is French culture and I miss it dearly. It will also help out small businesses that have been greatly affected by this crisis! 

2. Park: Spend an entire afternoon in Parc Monceau. It is the closest park to my apartment. Although it is not as big as Buttes Chaumont, it is equally as beautiful. I cannot wait to feel the grass between my toes and the sun on my skin. 

3. Explore Montmartre:  I think that I've taken my neighbourhood for granted and I promise to never do that again. I plan on taking long, slow walks around my little village neighbourhood on the hill in Paris. I will explore all the little corners and secret courtyards, I will visit the storied bistros and brasseries. I will soak up everything that Montmartre has to offer and share with me. 

Follow Sutanya on Instagram.

LINDSEY TRAMUTA @lostncheeseland

Lindsey Tramuta is a journalist, author and the writer behind Lost in Cheeseland - a blog covering her lifestyle and adventures. Her upcoming book, The New Parisienne, will be released on July 7, 2020. I met Lindsey years ago through mutual friends and turn to her for Paris restaurant tips and to oogle her cute kitties!

The three things getting Lindsey through lockdown: 

1. I've started, after years of putting it off, learning Italian! Duolingo is as good an app as everyone reported. I'm happy to say I'm on day 8 of daily lessons and loving it. It's also a wonderful distraction. 

2. I'm back to reading. In the beginning of confinement, I found it difficult to let go and concentrate on anything, but I dived into a book a friend recommended and found comfort in being transported by the storytelling. 

3. CATS. My cats are getting me through this time, just like they help me get through every difficult time. Friends too (all those House Party chats!) but the presence of my two boys is calming unlike anything else. 

And the first thing she’ll do when lockdown is over:

Going to MARTIN for beers, wine, small plates and a whole lot of closeness to friends. 

Follow Lindsey on Instagram & Twitter


Nessy is the founder, editor, and all-rounder-er of Messynessychic.com where she curates and edits content you won’t find elsewhere. Her site is full of curios and travel advice that’ll help you look beyond the obvious tourist activities. We met at the launch of her first book, Don’t Be A Tourist and she’s been a good friend ever since.

Three things helping Nessy get through this:

1. Cuddles with Rona the rabbit, adopted from our neighbours who left town.

2. Air-dry clay: luckily took a few sculpting classes just before lockdown, it’s a total thought-cleanser 

3. Diving into work! I’m more motivated than ever to write the articles that the mainstream media isn’t; keep readers uplifted, entertained and inspired. I’m also committed to find creative ways to rally behind small businesses during lockdown.

The first thing she’ll do when she’s allowed out:

Go check on my favourite little long-standing restaurants such as Chez Louisette - it’s a kitschy old bistrot hiddne in the flea market where elderly ladies sing Edith Piaf covers. It would hopefully cheer me up after a morning at Les Puces spent realising how many antiques dealers didn’t survive during lockdown.. and the I’d go see the Mom & Pop boutiques around the city, such as Bourgine (a favourite little quirky Parisian designer in St Germain), order/ buy a bunch of stuff from them. Here’s hoping they will still be able to open their doors again. 

Follow Nessy on Instagram & Twitter

JULIA MATEIAN @juliamateian

Julia Mateian is a marketing consultant and style and travel influencer from Montreal. She relocated to Paris over a year ago and we’ve become firm friends, as well as fashion week, drinking and dancing buddies!

The three things getting Julia through lockdown: 

1. I am a workaholic and I'm always on the go so exercising everyday is a must for me! I've discovered so many incredible fitness bloggers since quarantine and here are a few faves: @sissymua is a french trainer and I haven't missed one of her 6pm live trainings - prepare to sweat! On Youtube, I've always been a fan of Emi Wong, Rebecca Louise and Pamela Reif's videos. I love to combine their videos to get a full body workout. I started boxing before quarantine and I've been keeping up with my favourites from @lecercleboxing and @punch.boxing as they provide new challenges and classes every day.

2. Truth is, I'm a terrible cook. Ok not terrible, but I usually don't really have time to practice my cooking skills and since my boyfriend is killing it in the kitchen, I've let him take the lead. But now, no more excuses. I've been pinning (yes, back on Pinterest) for the last couple of weeks and we've been cooking so many delicious vegan dishes at home. Yes, also fully vegan since quarantine started so pretty happy about this too :) Check out Minimalist Baker and thank me later ;)

3. When quarantine started, Fred and I realized we could maybe go a couple of months without seeing our families that are back in Canada. I usually have a call a week with my family but now I have to say I am pretty much calling my mom every day lol Thank god for apps like Facetime, House Party or Zoom for bringing our loved ones "close" to us. I've took time to reconnect with old friends, organizing 5 à 7 with my bff's and catching up with every member of my family.

And the first thing I’ll do when lockdown is over:

I will take the longest walk of my life in Paris. Passing by Jardin Royal, les Tuileries, la Seine and ending up in Le Marais. I will organize a get together with my friends in one of my favourite spots in town (on a terrace OF COURSE) and then walk home to catch the Eiffel Tower sparkling! :)

Follow Julia on Instagram.

Words by Marissa Cox and Zhenya Tsenzharyk,