This post has been in the works for a while, as it tackles my biggest lesson learnt last year. After an exciting, but albeit exhausting end to 2017, I realised that to be able to do my work I need to put my physical and mental health at the top of my priority list. So in starting as I mean to go on, I’ve been trying to take it a little slower this month when it comes to time not spent working. Which means not saying yes to every event I get invited to and swapping parties in favour of cocooning on the sofa with a series (The Crown, The Night Manager and Stranger Things get my vote) or a good soak in the tub and an early night. And in the spirit of sticking to my 2018 goals, where top of the list does indeed entail finding more balance in my daily life - something I do find especially tough given the nature of my work – (which never switches off!), I’ve partnered with prestigious British brand, Budd Shirts to bring you my top tips for a day of self-care, whilst wearing a silk polka dot set from their new pyjama range created especially for women. Because there’s nothing I’d rather wear more when I’m being kind to myself (or going to bed for that matter), than a pair of beautifully soft and sumptuous pyjamas. Pyjamas that are so gorgeous (and stylish), they could (and should) be worn outside with a pair of heels, and an oversized coat thrown over. If you’re heading off on holiday soon, be sure to pack them in your carry on as they are perfect for lounging around a pool, throwing on after a day at the beach or stepping into post-ski session. They were created with outdoor use in mind! I’ve already worn the shirt loosely tucked into a pair of Levis.

They are an investment, but all good (and well made) things are, so add these to your next birthday, holiday or wish list, as just like the shirts that Budd Shirts have been making in their workshop since 1910 (yes, really!), they will last years – meaning they will be the only pyjamas you will need to buy for a very long time. Just make sure you take as good care of them as you do yourself during your day of self-care!

My tips for self-care:

Take a bath – this is the first thing I do after a long day of feeling overwhelmed or stressed - the minute I sink into the bathtub I can feel the stress subside. Baths relax your muscles, ease tension and a warm bath before bed will help you sleep better! For maximum affect, add two scoops of Epsom salts – I particularly like the Lavendar Bath Salts by Neal’s Yard.

Read – reading (preferably in the bath) not only improves your memory and concentration, but it’s proven to relieve stress, lower blood pressure and calm the nerves. A good book can transport you from your current state into another reality. A few favourites are Sweet Caress by William Boyd, The Miniaturist by Jessie Burton, The Great Gatsby by F Scott Fitzgerald and Labyrinth by Kate Mosse. And I’ve just started All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doer.

Meditate – mediation is proven to increase happiness, improve concentration and even slow down the aging process! If you do find it hard to clear your head of thoughts, try concentrating on to your breathing, it will help you focus and calm your mind. Try the Headspace App for a guided session.

Apply a face mask – a good mask draws out impurities from your skin, will leave skin feeling fresh and rejuvenated, and just the act of applying a face mask is therapeutic. I’m currently loving the Face Mask by Le Labo.

Sleep – this is an obvious one, but how many of you also stay up late watching series, working or scrolling through your Instagram feed in favour of a good night’s rest? I know I’m guilty. But there’s nothing better than getting a full 8 hours sleep to help you tackle the day ahead. Go to bed a full hour earlier than you normally would, put your phone on silent and read for 20 minutes!

What are your top tips for self-care and well-being? 

Thank you to Budd Shirts for sponsoring this post and to La Réserve for the location. 

Photos by Nuno Rocha & Monika Varšavskaja, edited by me.