Spring Style Wishlist

Hi! It’s taken me a little longer to finish this article as the biting cold and rainy weather this past week hasn’t been very inspiring, plus I caught a cold on Monday. You know that feeling when you just know you’re going to get sick…? I spent an hour outside taking photos and wasn’t wrapped up warm enough. Walking home I could feel the cold creeping in and woke up feeling very rotten on Tuesday. Anyway enough about the crappy weather and my cold - as it could always be a lot worse. I hope you’re doing ok through these precarious times!

So onto spring, which will hopefully return asap, as spring is the season that I get most excited about! Think green leaves sprouting on trees, flowers finally blooming after months of hibernation (side note - my peony plant is in bloom!), people generally in a happier mood (when it’s not raining) and wardrobe-wise, we start peeling off those winter layers! My style is pretty established now and I generally return to similar items year on year - lighter knits, blazers, a trench, jeans and then just add a few other items that I’ve had my eye on. This year I’m also adding more tailoring, a few fun combos, a cashmere cardigan for cooler days and accessories, such as caps. I’m not much of a cap person, as I’ve never thought that they suit me, but I’m persevering! Anyway below are a few favourite pieces that I’ve recently saved that I hope will inspire you with your spring shopping list - let me know and have a great weekend! xx

Bottoms - Skirts & Pants


Outerwear & Blazers

Accessories, Jewellery & Footwear

StyleMarissa Cox