Notes from the Weekend

This weekend was rather special as we celebrated our new apartment on Saturday, just before the arrival of the couch. Much fun was had and dancing done by all and admittedly I didn’t set foot outside yesterday.

Instead I spent the day cocooning at home, cleaning and watching films – lucky too as the temperature has dropped about 10 degrees in the last few days. Winter is finally here. Anyway this one’s short and sweet, so here are a few links and current favourite things from the last week. 

+ The new

Le Fooding

guide came out last week – it’s essential reading material for any Parisian foodie. I've already ear-marked a few places. 

+ Friday night I attended a lovely soiree hosted by

La Maison du Chocolat

and drank chocolat chaud, ate macarons and trotted off with a tasty box of chocs. 

+ Chocolates were followed by tacos at the newly opened

Death by Burrito

. I went to the one in London when it was a pop up in Shoreditch. So to see it in Paris was a real treat, especially with it being so close to my new place.

+ The ceramic dish pictured was made by my mum, who has been making pots on and off for years. Every time I go to visit her back in the UK, I return to Paris with at least 3 more.

+ I found the perfect wooden

fruit bowl

from Muji (ok it says 'salad', but I think it works for fruit too!)

+ I finally watched


last week. Incredible film and it had me getting a little philosophical and pondering about life...It also satisfied my inner Sci-fi geek. Don’t get me started on the new Star Wars trailer..

+ And I purchased this


from COS – it’s perfect for winter layering